Belgian adventurer
Motivational speaker
Expedition leader
Date of birth 12-01-1986
- Secutec 7 summits, first person ever to go human powered to the 7 summits and climb them. Reached and climbed 5 out of 7 summits
- Summit of Elbrus, Mt. Everest, Carstensz pyramid, Kilimanjaro and Denali
- First human powered sea to summit Mt. Elbrus
- First person to row from Java to Papua
- First person to cycle trans Papuan route
- +70.000km by bicycle, +15.000km by rowboat/sailboat
Legs pedalling like a steam train with the rhythm of a heart that makes so many landscapes pass. A body painted by nature itself. In his eyes a wealth of glances, glances of extras, hosts and colleagues. A broad smile on his face, no matter the weather, on a steel horse, his belongings behind him and the horizon in the back of his head:
Jelle Veyt

As the youngest of four brothers, he learned to ride a bike at the age of four. Frustrated watching them he started developing his forces against the big brothers. Since then he has been called a talent in just about everything he starts: from track’n’field to Kung Fu in his childhood , in-line skating in his youth , BMX as a teenager, boxing as an adolescent and eventually mountain bike and capoeira. Throughout all these different worlds , he invariably showed his peers passion, perseverance and above all the love for work and training. He masters everything in no time and he always amazes the older, more experienced athletes, whether his brothers, the masters of the Tatami, cool BMX riders on the streets, experienced mountain bikers or Brazilians born as Capoeirista.
As a 17 year old teenager Jelle had a dark period in his life being caught up in a difficult home situation and ended up living (squats) on the streets for 3 years. Lucky to find the right people there, he decided to get a job and finally go back to school. He didn’t have the opportunity to fail and became a physiotherapist at Ghent University. Now he uses his mental strength to inspire others through difficult situations in their lives. He is dedicated to create opportunities in life of people all around the world.
Contact Jelle: veyt.jelle@gmail.com